Dream Your Dreams

The farther down the road of life I get, the more I realize how much I like trying to continue growing as a person. When we're younger, I think we see our education as finishing high school, getting a college degree, maybe going for a masters, or a medical degree, law degree, etc. But I've come to realize that there are opportunities for growing ourselves on a daily basis, stretching the definition of who we have seen ourselves to be, constantly striving to be a better of version of who we are. My choice for learning right now: books. Reading allows me to select the voices I want in my thoughts. Television, movies, news media, not so much. So much of what we hear on a daily basis is just toxic. We don't need toxic. We need hope. We need to know that we are okay as we are, and that we still live in a country that affords everyone opportunity. The opportunity to grow and be the best version of ourselves that we can be. This week, I am looking for ways to do more and give more. An English major by choice, I've recently decided I want to learn more about the stock market and dabble with investing. This week, I looked for a new charity to donate to, a food bank in South Florida that offers meal programs to children in need. In a world that feels out of control, these are things I can do to ground myself and focus on actions that grow me. That is really all I actually have control over. Dream your dreams. Make them happen.